Guide To Files

am.c - The source code to for generating the gnuplot compatible code. Compiled with gcc am.c -lm under Linux. - The script for generating the following animated gifs

pos10.gif - Animated gif showing the pattern as the directional phase goes round in a circle

posaway.gif - Animated gif showing the pattern as point aimed for goes from 10^0 to 10^3.5(radians)

view.gif - Animated gif showing the radiation pattern at the view radius from 10^0 to 10^3.5(radians)

pos-viewaway.gif - Animated gif showing the pattern as point aimed for and the view radius go from 10^0 to 10^3.5(radians)

dist2.gif - Animated gif showing how the distance(Pi/16 to 16Pi) between each antenna affects the radiation pattern

num.gif - Animated gif showing how the number of antennas(1 to 50) used affect the pattern

Matthew Hewitt
Last modified: Wed Dec 8 12:12:10 PST 1999