ok() to is()

Here's the test with the ok()'s replaced with is() appropriately.

use Test::More tests => 8;
use Date::ICal;
$ical = Date::ICal->new( year => 1964, month => 10, day => 16,
                         hour => 16, min => 12, sec => 47, 
                         tz   => '+0530'
ok( defined $ical,            'new() returned something' );
ok( $ical->isa('Date::ICal'), "  and it's the right class" );
is( $ical->sec,     47,       '  sec()'   );
is( $ical->min,     42,       '  min()'   );
is( $ical->hour,    10,       '  hour()'  );
is( $ical->day,     16,       '  day()'   );
is( $ical->month,   10,       '  month()' );
is( $ical->year,    1964,     '  year()'  );

"Is $ical->sec, 47?"

"Is $ical->min, 12?"

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